Returning Sons

(RS) is a program of pastoral care and healing for men and women seeking wholeness in  their sexuality. RS consists of ten teachings that are designed to  minister to the core of human sexuality. These ten teachings divide into two sections. Section one, Finding Our True Self in God, lays a foundation for discovering our identity in Jesus Christ, in the love of the Father and in the power of the Cross. Section two, Central Issues of Human Sexuality, addresses key aspects of sexuality that must be attended to in order for men and  women to find wholeness in their sexuality.

Returning Sons is a starting point for those just beginning their journey into sexual wholeness  in Christ. RS is also a middle point for those who have followed the Lord  Jesus for a while, but have not yet addressed their sexual issues. Each Returning Sons meeting consists of worship, teaching and small group  ministry. In worship we focus on the Lord to find an objective standard outside  our thoughts and feelings. Through teaching we learn how the redemptive message  of the Gospel is applied to human sexuality. Through small group discussion and  prayer ministry we apply to the soul the principles just learned.

The name Returning Sons was  inspired by the Parable of the Lost Son, found in the Gospel of Luke. After the  son has squandered his inheritance on wild living and sexual immorality, he  longs to return to his father’s house. Luke 15:20 recounts, "But while he was  yet afar off, his father saw him, and was moved with compassion, and ran, and  fell on his neck, and kissed him." Such is the posture of our God to all His  sons and daughters who long to return to the Father’s house. There, in the  Father’s embrace, we find freedom from the bondage of sexual immorality and  freedom for holy living.




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