Redeemed Lives

(RL) is a pastoral course designed to help all people recover from the fall-out of the sexual revolution. It has helped thousands of people overcome sexual issues (including homosexual attractions), identity confusion and relational difficulties. RL integrates insights from Biblical theology, Christian spiritual formation, depth psychology and classical Christian philosophy. RL begins with a day-long  retreat called the Shepherd’s Voice, which teaches Christians how to hear from  God's voice. From there, RL continues as twenty-six weekly meetings  consisting of worship, teaching and small group sharing. Consistent  attendance and personal vulnerability in the small group is required for continuation in the RL pastoral course.  You can download an application for RL here, which will give you information about start dates and cost for each location where RL is  offered. RL is offered in a number of  locations worldwide, and is also available online as a video course.



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Redeemed Lives Complete Series


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