Redeemed Lives offers a number of resources for your College Ministry and your campus leaders:

Host a weekend Conference on your campus where Mario presents a message of healing for the benefit of your entire community, but in particular those dealing with sexual brokenness. This can also include apologetics events that reach out to the gay community and the larger community about difficult issues around sexual brokenness.

Host a weekend Equipping Seminar for adult leaders in your ministry to equip them to present Redeemed Lives' Pastoral Courses in small groupsĀ or one-on-one meetings with students.

Use our Books or Recorded Teachings in small groups to expand student and adult leaders' understanding of sexual brokenness.

Use our Redeemed Lives Groups Locator to see if there is a Redeemed Lives Group that meets in your area that can serve your students or leaders.

For referrals to a therapist, church, or ministry in your area that supports those dealing with sexual brokenness, see our Referral List, our Ministry Partners, or Contact Us.